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246 MacPherson Road, #02-01 Betime Building Singapore 348578

Call Tracking Services

What are call tracking services?

Calling tracking services allow marketers to measure the value of inbound calls driven by their marketing efforts. When call tracking data is integrated with a routing system, the caller intent data can be used to route calls to product/sales specialists automatically.

customer calls in via call tracking system

How do we do call tracking?

From a marketing’s perspective, we will also track back the call and find the source of the call. Did this call come from your GoogleAds campaign? Or did it come from your Organic SEO campaign? With this data, we will be able to optimise and get even better results from your advertising campaign.

Did you know that in terms of Conversion Rates, the probability of a phone call happening is at least 20 times that of a click? While we understand that we want to drive as many calls as possible to our business, it is important to note that we could be losing up to 80% of our potential conversions if we are not tracking our phone calls. That is where our phone tracking services will come in.

What are the different types of call tracking?

  • Keyword-level tracking: It helps you find out which search terms are driving the most calls to your website.
  • Source-level tracking: It gives you insight on which marketing campaigns are driving the calls by using a unique phone number (Virtual Number) for each campaign.
  • Multi-channel attribution tracking: It helps you track your customers’ entire journey from start to finish. There may be instances where the client came in via a Social Media post, left your website, came in again via an organic search of your name, and then he finally decided to call you.
call tracking data and clicks relation
call tracking data and clicks relation

What are the different types of call tracking?

  • Keyword-level tracking: It helps you find out which search terms are driving the most calls to your website.

  • Source-level tracking: It gives you insight on which marketing campaigns are driving the calls by using a unique phone number (Virtual Number) for each campaign.

  • Multi-channel attribution tracking: It helps you track your customers’ entire journey from start to finish. There may be instances where the client came in via a Social Media post, left your website, came in again via an organic search of your name, and then he finally decided to call you.

how does phone call tracking work?

How does call tracking work?

Our call tracking system tracks your business calls all the way to the source of origin. What it means is that we are able to accurately attribute your inbound calls’ metrics to a specific marketing campaign. Some of the data that you can derive in the system includes the number of successful calls, the number of missed calls, the client’s data (name, email and mobile number) that came with the call, the number of emails (for clients that doesn’t want a call) and many more!

How do we define the effectiveness of a call tracking system?

Our call tracking system provides valuable insights for our specialise to analyse, optimise and make appropriate recommendations to improve your marketing campaigns. Some important metrics that you must take note of includes:

  • Call Sources

    We use a distinct phone number for each of your marketing campaigns so that we can identify which ad/campaign drove the highest number of calls that resulted in a business conversion. With that data, you can then make an informed decision on whether to pump in more marketing dollars to get more calls, or to scale back on some campaigns that weren’t driving the desired number of business calls.


happy boss gets a boost from marketing
happy boss gets a boost from marketing

How do we define the effectiveness of a call tracking system?

Our call tracking system provides valuable insights for our specialise to analyse, optimise and make appropriate recommendations to improve your marketing campaigns. Some important metrics that you must take note of includes:

  • Call Sources

    We use a distinct phone number for each of your marketing campaigns so that we can identify which ad/campaign drove the highest number of calls that resulted in a business conversion. With that data, you can then make an informed decision on whether to pump in more marketing dollars to get more calls, or to scale back on some campaigns that weren’t driving the desired number of business calls.


  • Duration of Call

    This is not rocket science. The longer the conversation your sales people have with your customers, the higher the probability of turning that lead into a paying customer. A customer will not waste their precious time if they are not interested in your products or services. Hence, find out in detail on which campaign drove the longest and most meaningful conversations.


  • First-time Callers (New Customers!)

    We’re always excited whenever we talk to a new lead. A new lead means an opportunity for the business to drive up the revenue. First-time callers metric helps to identify potential new customers who are calling you for the first time. By isolating the first-time callers, you can actually provide a more personalised approach when they call your business.


  • Volume of Calls

    The volume of the incoming phone calls you receive is a good indication of whether your marketing campaign is performing well or not. For example, you may have recently launched a multi-platform campaign on Facebook and Instagram. You have approximately 30-40 adsets running and you may not be sure which ad is running at the optimal level. With our data, you can instantly find out the call volume that you are receiving, and the calls are instantly being segmented by the campaigns that they came from.

    In general, the more calls you get, the better it is!


  • Landing Page Performance

    The performance of your landing page is a key factor when it comes to lead generation. Your landing page performance will share valuable insights into whether your page is working well or not. If you are only currently tracking conversions via user-filled forms or AI Chat Bots, that can create alarming blind spots for your marketing campaigns.